Perhaps, the hardest part to begin in becoming prosperous and rich is the ability to control money. Money comes in, but more often than not, it goes out just as quickly. Usually, there is no other reason than just when you lose control, you spend the money.
When Tuhan taught us, he first taught us how to keep track of money. Use a budget. Keep track of how much you spend for the rent, the food and the bus or car. When you spend your money on iimpulse buying, keep track of that too. The thing you need to see for yourself is that you spend money on certain things. If you spend money on movies, you should budget for that. Keep track of how much you spend on the things that make you happy.
The second component is that you need to prove to yourself that you can save money. It is true that if you just keep it in a CD, you will most likely break the CD. Why don’t you save money in your 401K account? I did not turn around until I saw my money climb month after mmonth. I put away $300 every paycheck. I could not believe after three months that I had nearly $2000 in the bank. I did nto think it was possible for me to ever save. Until I proved it to myself, I could not do it.
For many of us, we need actual proof. Use the 401k account to do so.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
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